Sunday, October 21, 2012

Nominating for Melbourne City Council

I have been involved again in the Melbourne City council elections this year.. How amazing it's been 4 years already!
After discussions and an invitation to participate by the incumbent deputy Lord Mayor Susan Riley, I accepted with a mission to be more able to impact and learn of the ways that council makes decisions- especially with relation to Small business, Melbourne's public space, and it's involvement in the tourism sector with all the other local tourism stakeholders. If that's within council as a councillor, I am up for the challenge, but even from the outside after this election I pledge to continue my efforts.

Tourism to me is very much about about the visitor experience for ALL visitors.. These include locals, interstate travellers, international holiday makers, as well as conference delegates, school groups, intrastate family outings and business people on their break... etc.....

To get the message to these various VISITORS is not easy, and many methods need to be used, and many different enterprises will be involved - as their expertise may best relate...  It's not a simple one tick in a box suits all.... And this is an area that I am keen to be more involved in...

If you are a resident within the City of Melbourne, or a business owner within the same municipality, then vote Team Doyle - it is my belief that our senior members are able to bring great inspiring ideas to the table, that the final winning 11 councillors ( including lord mayor and deputy lord mayor) will debate with a healthy and informed passion.