Thursday, June 30, 2011


For the first time in a long time, I have been doing some professional development..
Yes its within the Tourism Industry, but I am pleased to say the program Destination Melbourne have put together is a much more strategic long term investment. Melbourne Tourism Industry Leadership Program 2011...

Defining leadership I have found an interesting topic, and not sure I have the answer, nor the quote that might get me there...  but to inspire movement towards and end goal is a start...
I wonder how many one should inspire.. to be known as a leader... how will you ever know.. its all so indirect many of said actions..

Are leadership qualities innate?
Is it wrong to accept that perhaps I am a leader, but not always by my own design..
or is it that acceptance that is my first struggle...

Enjoy the view, and others will share it...   

Thats my motivational leadership thinking for today..

Friday, June 24, 2011

A space for self...

Melbourne is my home, 
My foundations are there and elsewhere 
My confidence comes from many places..
My heart is where many people care for it.

My vision is broad...
My learning is constant...
My colour is warm...
My successes are shared...
My goals are being built...
My connections are precious...
My skills are diverse
My community is growing..
My language is changing....                          Regrets are not mine.